Numbering Plans and Type of Number

The IP-to-Tel destination or source number manipulation tables allow you to classify numbers by their Numbering Plan Indication (NPI) and Type of Number (TON). The device supports all NPI/TON classifications used in the ETSI ISDN variant, as shown in the table below:

NPI/TON Values for ETSI ISDN Variant




Unknown [0]

Unknown [0]

A valid classification, but one that has no information about the numbering plan.

E.164 Public [1]






Unknown [0]

A public number in E.164 format, but no information on what kind of E.164 number.

International-Level2 Regional [1]

A public number in complete international E.164 format, e.g., 16135551234.

National-Level1 Regional [2]

A public number in complete national E.164 format, e.g., 6135551234.

Network-PSTN Specific [3]

The type of number "network specific number" is used to indicate administration / service number specific to the serving network, e.g., used to access an operator.

Subscriber-Level0 Regional [4]

A public number in complete E.164 format representing a local subscriber, e.g., 5551234.

Abbreviated [6]

The support of this code is network dependent. The number provided in this information element presents a shorthand representation of the complete number in the specified numbering plan as supported by the network.

Private [9]





Unknown [0]

A private number, but with no further information about the numbering plan.

International-Level2 Regional [1]


National-Level1 Regional [2]

A private number with a location, e.g., 3932200.

PISN Specific [3]


Subscriber-Level0 Regional [4]

A private local extension number, e.g., 2200.

For NI-2 and DMS-100 ISDN variants, the valid combinations of TON and NPI for calling and called numbers include (Plan/Type):

0/0 - Unknown/Unknown
1/1 - International number in ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
1/2 - National number in ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
1/4 - Subscriber (local) number in ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
9/4 - Subscriber (local) number in Private numbering plan